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✨ Are you ready to start your Soul Aligned Business?
✨ Do you feel stuck in your 9-5 and don't know what to do next?

✨ Do you hate the thought of being sad on Sunday, in anticipation of going back to work on Monday? 
✨ Are you tired of living based on someone else's rules?
✨ Are you feeling overwhelmed at work all day just to come home and be overwhelmed by the daily tasks of motherhood?

✨ Are you tired of missing out on your kids' activities?
✨ Are you tired of feeling sad when you have to tell your kids that you can't attend their events and seeing the sadness in their faces?

I have been there momma!

I have had ALL of those feelings you are feeling!

I know exactly how it feels to dread Sunday's, to miss or tell my kids that I can't attend an event that they wanted me to be at so badly. I also know failure all too well, we are good friends truthfully.


I am a busy Mom, the breadwinner for my family, and I was an unfulfilled employee who desperately wanted more out of life.  Being risky was not just a risk to me, but it put my whole family at risk. 

That is exactly why I created Mompreneur Mentality Makeover

This program will help you


  • Scale your business to another income level

  • Break your financial ceiling by making more and being able to leave 9-5

  • Innovation to come up with new ideas under your one brand

  • Change your mindset to attract clients and the money you desire

  • Change your mindset so you show up and stand out in your online business

“From the moment I heard Jacqueline speak, I knew we had to work together. Her passion for helping others is a true testament to the results achieved while in her program. Her energy is contagious, her knowledge is powerful and her skills as a coach helped me to discover my true passion in life.  After working with Jacqueline, I am now on a clear path to the career of my dreams and have the tools I need to be successful. Thank you Jacqueline for your support, guidance and encouragement.”

-Kristie Lynn, The Passion Coach

Jacqui was absolutely fantastic to work with! During our coaching session, she held space for me to feel heard & listened to, providing questions to ensure I reflect internally while guiding in me a direction that supported me in reframing my narrative! Jacqui's fun, playful yet calm demeanor and humble attitude made me feel comfortable to open up & work through what was coming up for me! I would absolutely love to work with her again!!

-Breanne Mindset Confidence Coach

Join Mompreneur Mentality Makeover and shift the thoughts holding you back from starting and/or scaling the business of your dreams.  

This course will give you the confidence needed to show up in your business not only for you clients but for yourself.


This course will help you avoid expensive pitfalls and help you avoid many of the mistakes often made when first start out in business. Avoiding these pitfalls will save you months of time dealing with missteps and failures.  You will View failure as a speed bump rather than a road block helping you recover quickly when it arises. Within the course you will come up with a plan to execute your business in a way you see success faster. 


You get to take the guess work out of starting and scaling your business. 

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✨Picture your phone and email blowing up with potential clients, product orders, or services you provide. 

✨Imagine having time for long lunches with friends, vacations whenever you please because your business is running itself. 

✨See yourself in your new work from anywhere business, making it to all events and appointments for your kids you were unable to make while working your 9-5 before. 

✨See your bank account with double the income because truly there is not revenue cap when you own your own.

You are Not Alone! Starting a sustainable, profitable business seems like it isn't easy. I've started so many businesses and have had many falls along the way.  I just knew I was meant for more, but could not understand why I remained unsuccessful.

Sign me up!


  • We will create a space allowing you to dream big.  We will get clear on exactly what you want for your life. 

  • Powerful Neuro-Linguist Programing technique called Achievable Outcome.  This technique creates success easily.

  • Personalized Affirmation Series: Taking your personal desires and turning them into statements in a form of auto-suggestion for your subconscious mind so you can show up as your higher self daily.


Discover Your Why

  • We will break down your desires and who do you serve. Take a good look at your business model and get a sure fire plan for you to grow and scale.

  • Implement the Ring of Power an NLP technique that will have you walk into your Power and Never look. 

  • Personalized Meditation Series: Taking your Why and turning it into a guided meditation so you can continue to feel motivated and take the inspire action needed to make your business successful.


Understanding Whats Stopping You

  • We will clear mental and emotionally blocks stopping you from earning the money you want, having the success you desire, and showing up as your most confident self in your business. 

  • Full examine and emotionally release all of the blocks from the past and the present.

  • Personalized EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping, to clear the blocks from your meridian points allowing you to be free of whatever is holding you back.

Flip The Script 

  • Tell a new story, journal out a new story for your life.  Remember thoughts become things, once you are clear of previous blocks it opens up space for the new.

  • Do a Vision Board like you have never done one before.  We will intentionally set your board up digitally or physically in a way that will generate massive success.

  • Personalized Mantra: Design your own personalized mantra that you will say daily, changing your mind changing your life.

Show Up and Show Out

  • Deep Visualization will be done so you can see, feel, smell, even taste the life of your dreams.  Since our mind thinks in pictures this will allow you to manifest the life you always dreamed.

  • Imaginative play our way. We will physically become the person we desire to be.  We will go the places she would go and do all the things she will do.

  • 1:1 Hypnosis Session:  Hypnosis is a conversation with your subconscious mind and it is an amazing way to truly bring your dreams to life. We will tell your subconscious mind just who you desire to be so you can show up as that person daily.


  • We will get into a space of belief bringing together all of the techniques and implementing them into a daily routine.

  • Reframe, we will come up with reframes for blocks and use them for our Best Self Statements (BSS)

  • Write our Best Self Statement (BSS) and record it to be listened to daily.

Bonus #1

Experts guide to Productivity: Five steps to being more productive daily. Live the life you love in way that only sets you up for success. 

Bonus #2

Money Boss Meditation Series:  Increase your energy around money so you come from a place of abundance.  These mediation is to be listened to daily for best results.

✨ 12 Weekly Group Coaching calls (held over Zoom)

✨ 1 Personalized Affirmation Series

✨ 1 Personalized Meditation Series

✨ 1 Hypnosis Session

✨ Unlimited Slack Support (a group chat will be set up and you will be added to it)

✨ Homework and assignments to work on between sessions (to be completed at your own discretion)

✨ Mompreneur Mentality Makeover Workbook

✨ An accountability group for life

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-Jane Tiphayachan

"Working with Coach Jacqui was an absolute dream!!! 


Everything from our personalized weekly One On One calls to our weekly group Femme Boss Zoom Meetings has been absolutely fabulous!

The programs are so catered, detailed, and goal oriented in helping us achieve our full potential both on a personal and professional level. 


Coach Jacqui is amazing and truly takes the time and effort to dive deep into your life and soul to get to the root of any blockages you may be having that are derailing you from being where you want to be in life and stunting your success. 


The thing that stood out to me the most about Coach Jacqui is her outstanding and very contagious energy, her positive outlook, and the fact that she genuinely sees your full potential and the greatness in you, and is motivated to help bring that greatness to light and help you shine your brightest! 


Coach Jacqui came with a very detailed step by step business plan to help me build on my strengths and talents so I could make these money moves on every capacity. All while never disregarding the power of self love, affirmations, and how to believe in myself so hard that even my wildest goals and dreams in life become attainable. 


I could honesty go on and on but I’ll let you find out for yourself how amazing Coach Jacqui is to work with, do your mind, money, and soul a favor and contact her ASAP and start your Pursuit To Happiness Today!!!"


-Jane Tiphayachan

- Shinese M. Collins

“I was feeling an internal conflict that I was not aware of and Jacquelyn helped me to identify my feelings and describe how they made me feel. She helped me visualize what I wanted to feel and the outcome I desired. She helped me find alignment with my internal conflict and recognize that we wanted the same thing. My experience with Jacquelyn was freeing.”

Shinese M. Collins

CorpLife & Success Coach, Author & Speaker



*Payment Plans Available*

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